Happy new years!
Happy 2023 everyone! Last year I didn't really succeed in my goal of creating 1 github commit each day, and neither did I think it was very effective in saying that you were 'improving'. Sometimes I just made a random commit just so that it 'counted'. It has led me to believe that frequency isn't the most important aspect because it's nearly impossible to code every day, instead what is important is improvement.
New Years' Resolutions
With this in mind, I'm thinking of trying to learn more data structures and algorithms, like Dijkstra's algorithm, BFS, and DFS. I'll also try out some more competitve coding problems, like USACO and try to do some more of the advent of code problems.
I want to branch out and try out more things that coding has to offer, like data structures and algorithms, which I haven't actually done a lot of things with.
For this year's resolution, I want to try and get better at data structures and algorithms. Happy new year!